kristi.senior 2008

Friday, June 15, 2007

As I am sure most of you know I LOVE SENIORS!!!! I am just so excited that the season is finally starting and I can get back to shooting them!! I truly could not have began with a better subject - Kristi and her family were a pure joy to work with. I pretty much knew from the first moment I saw all of them that it was going to be a good one. We started off taking some around the firehouse and downtown then we ventured over to her house (something that I love to do since it makes them ultra personal and unique) where they had a great pond. Such a thrill is was to shoot her! She is gorgeous as you can see and she had Jen Balliet do her hair and make-up which gave her an extra something. It was so hard to pick some favorites but here they are! Thank you so much Kristi and family!!!


Garrett Nudd Photography Blog said...

These are great! I like them all the most.

Regis said...

Very nice photos.

... does she have an older sister by any chance...single, preferably ?